21st International workshop on QSAR in Environmental and Health Sciences

Please fill in the form below to submit an abstract for the Conference.

By submitting an abstract, the authors certify that their work is original and complies with the ethical guidelines for human and animal research, if any such research is involved.

You may submit as many abstract as you like for poster presentation, but each presenter may give only one oral presentation.

The abstracts will be reviewed and the decision about the acceptance will be sent to the submitting author’s e-mail. The abstract will only be included in the Scientific Programme and electronic “Book of Abstracts” if the registration fee of the presenting author is received by 16 May 2025.

Deadlines for abstract submission

21 March 2025 - Deadline for abstract submission for oral presentations
31 March 2025 - Notification of abstract acceptance

Please remember that the fields marked with (*) are mandatory in order to complete the form

(Please use the format: Affiliation, City, State (if applicable), Country)

(Please use the following format with one author for each row Name(s), SURNAME(S), Affiliation, City, State (if applicable), Country))

Criteria: A student or Early Career Researcher (Age < 30 y)

(Max 3000 characters)
Remain characters.

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