21st International workshop on QSAR in Environmental and Health Sciences

Practical information

It is the Workshop delegates full responsibility to make sure that they have adequate insurance cover for their visit to QSAR2025. This includes personal and business property, health insurance, personal, and professional liability, and any other type of insurance necessary.

For detailed information on who can enter Italy without a visa and what are the requirements for a tourist visa, please contact the nearest Italian consulate or embassy, or check the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (https://www.esteri.it/it/) or https://www.esteri.it/it/servizi-consolari-e-visti/ingressosoggiornoinitalia/vis/ . Italy is part of the EU Schengen area and a Schengen visa is a short stay visa allowing its holder to circulate the 26 Schengen countries. Please write to QSAR2025@marionegri.it if you need an invitation letter for the conference.

In the month of June Italy is in the Central European (summer) Time Zone: GMT+2

The official language of the workshop is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided. The language spoken in Italy is Italian.

In June the temperatures in Milan are quite warm 28°/18° (84/62 °F) with sporadic rain.

The currency in Italy is Euro (€)

The electricity supply in Italy is 230 volts AC and standard frequency is 50 Hz. European-style 2-pin round plugs are in use.

The telephone country code for Italy is +39.

Workshop related information

No items should be left unattended in the workshop rooms. The organizers of QSAR2025 cannot take any responsibility for loss of objects from the workshop venue. Further, they are not responsible or liable for any other adverse event that may occur during or in relation with the Workshop.

Each participant will receive a name badge upon registration. All participants are requested to wear their badge during all the Meeting activities and social events. The workshop includes a commercial exhibition that starts on June 3 and will be open during the workshop meeting hours. For exhibition invitation and information, please visit the website subsection for Sponsors and Exhibition. 

Coffee and lunch is included in the registration fee and will be served daily.   

Please respect the workshop policy and switch off mobile phones in all meeting rooms, and in the exhibition and poster areas   

The workshop is anon-smoking event and smoking is allowed only in the designated smoking area outside the builbing in the conference venue. In accordance with the Italian regulation, smoking is prohibited in restaurants and bars. Please be aware that a new smoking ban for tobacco (but not for e-cigs) was recently introduced in Milan area, from 1 January. It applies to "all public spaces, including streets", with the exception of "places where it is possible to maintain a distance of at least 10 metres from other people" (see https://www.comune.milano.it/en/-/ambiente.-dal-1-gennaio-divieto-di-fumo-esteso-a-tutte-le-aree-pubbliche-all-aperto, English version available).

The workshop includesa commercial exhibition that starts on June 3 and will be open during theworkshop meeting hours. For exhibition invitation and information, please write to QSAR2025@marionegri.it

No baby-sitting service is guaranteed during the workshop but if you have any specific need in this regard, please contact the organization of the conference and we will inform you about local options.